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Religious Education
“And that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” - 4. 2 Timothy 3:15



At Mexborough St John the Baptist Primary School we believe that children should be given opportunity to develop their spiritual, moral and cultural beliefs. We aim to engage and inspire children, enabling them to grow their knowledge, skills and ability to answer challenging questions. Christianity is at the heart of our religious education curriculum and is celebrated beyond the classroom. Collective Worship is a key part of school life where global issues and current events are studied alongside key Christian figures and festivals. 




Learning is embedded through the development of knowledge and skills over time. At Mexborough St John the Baptist C of E Primary we plan our religious education curriculum in accordance with the Understanding Christianity Scheme of work and the Rotherham SACRE scheme. 


The schemes of work are set out carefully to ensure that topics studied in religious education build on prior learning.

Children of all abilities are given opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit and the progression planned into the scheme offers the children an increasing challenge as they move on up through the school.


Teaching and learning in RE is based on the key principle that the children can learn about religious traditions, while simultaneously reflecting on what religious ideas and concepts mean to them. We encourage children to think about their own views and values in relation to the themes and topics studied in the RE curriculum; this is achieved by setting tasks which are open-ended and can have a variety of responses. The Agreed Syllabus stipulates that learning outcomes are differentiated, which in turn ensures that learners make individual progress and make meaningful connections between religious principles and their own lives and experiences.


At Mexborough St John’s we are proud of the strong links we have with our church. The children regularly attend church and engage with trips and visits to the e.g. children go to the church for a baptism experience, a role play wedding ceremony and Y6 go on a visit to Sheffield cathedral.




Pupils’ learning over time, reflects the intended curriculum. The concepts and big ideas provide the schema through which meaning is made and helps to ensure long term knowledge growth. This in turn ensures pupils know more and can do more.  


Research shows that repetition of course content leads to sticky learning; the transfer of knowledge from the short term to long term memory. At Mexborough St John’s, we achieve this through regular retrieval practise. Children can speak with confidence about what they have learnt and how they can apply this to other parts of their learning. 

The impact of our curriculum will be seen not only in measurable attainment and progress but that St John the Baptist Primary School creates polite, well-mannered caring members of our school community who understand and respect everybody’s differences and needs.

Mexborough St John The Baptist Church of England  Primary School

Sedgefield Way

South Yorkshire
S64 0BE



Tel: 01709 582619

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James Montgomery Academy Trust

Ellis House

Brampton Road

Wath Upon Dearne

S63 3BB​



Tel: 01709 763905

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