A message from our Chair of Governors
Dear Parents and Carers,
Outstanding schools aim to be places where children not only learn, but where they can feel safe and happy, valued as individuals and treated equally to reach their full potential.
Mexborough St Johns as its name implies is based on a Christian understanding of the world, our community and the value and dignity of each individual. We have strong links with our parish church and its vicar Father Edward.
We intend to promote a friendly atmosphere which values each individual within its community:- pupils, parents, carers, staff and governors.
The governors at our school are fully committed to supporting and managing the school for future success. We have a hardworking staff who are dedicated to enabling each pupil to achieve their best and promote the all-round development of each child.
Our governing body works in an inclusive and holistic manner with matters such as finance, curriculum and premises discussed in depth at sub-committee and full governor meetings.
On behalf of the governing body can I take this opportunity to thank you all, pupils, parents, carers, staff and head teacher for your continued dedication and support in helping our pupils to be a success. We are positive and excited about the future and know that by continuing to work together, we really can make a difference in the lives of all who attend our school.
Chair of Governors
Rev'd Edward John Scot Morrison
Wider Curriculum
Amy Mapplebeck
Staff Governor
SEND & Children Who Are Looked After (CLA)
Anna Steed (Co-Chair)
Parent Governor
David Thompson
Parent Governor
Rachel Idell (Ex Officio)
Headteacher at Mexborough St Johns The Baptist Primary
Janine Sanderson
Staff Governor
SEND & Children Who Are Looked After (CLA)
Miss Maria Khan
Foundation Governor
Olivia Loveday
Parent Governor
Helen Thorpe (Ex Officio)
Headteacher at Hooton Pagnell
Vicky Cook (Co-Chair)
Co-Opted Governor
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Laura Lethigoe
Parent Governor