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Online Safety

Online Safety at School


At Mexborough St John's we aim to prepare young people for the digital world that they are being immersed into every day. It is important that they are educated and given the tools that are needed for them to be more resilient online and allow them to become constructive and self-aware members of the online world.


We deliver this through a robust computing curriculum that draws attention to online safety throughout their life at St John's school.


To compliment the curriculum, we also:

  • take part in Safer Internet Day

  • celebrate antibullying week (which includes cyber bullying) 

  • send annual communications to parents and carers

  • have bi annual events delivered by the e-Safety Office that provides workshops for pupils, parents/carers and staff. See the e-safety video for parents below.  

  • have a comprehensive monitoring system within the school which logs all of the online activity in school and allows us to ensure the safety of children and staff.


Finally, all staff complete a yearly training course (from the National Cyber Security Centre) focused on online safety 

and the dangers that the children may face so that they can share their knowledge and experience.

ESAFETY video for parents Click here


Online Safety at Home










What parents need to know about….

Does you child have access to any of the following? Do you know what the dangers are? Age limits? Tips on how to change their safety settings?

Click on the image for a clearer view of the information and support.
images from :

Useful Links

National Centre for Gaming Disorders


Think U Know




 Reporting Online Safety Concerns

Big Deal

NSPCC  Keeping Children Safe Online


CEOP Safety Centre


 Online Safety Newsletter



 Online Safety

Vodafone Digital Parenting 

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