Year 2 - Cedar Class
Welcome to Year 2
Here you will find lots of information about Cedar Class. At Mexborough St John's our children study four main topics throughout the year. To find out more about what children will be learning in their topic work, please click the topic links above or visit our curriculum section. Below is also a list of key information about the class.
Miss Hollingsworth
Class Teacher
Mrs Saltis
Class Teacher
Mrs Phillips
Learning Support
Miss Leader
Learning Support
Key Information
Things to remember
Children MUST bring their reading books and reading diary EVERY day.
Outside PE will take place every THURSDAY and the children MUST bring their outdoor PE kit.
Indoor PE will take place every WEDNESDAY and children MUST have their indoor PE kit.
PE days may be subject to change and we encourage your child to bring their kit on Monday and keep it at school all week.
Home Learning
Ensuring that your child is reading regularly at home is the most important thing you can do to support their learning in English and other areas of the curriculum. As well as their own individual reading book and diary, they will be encouraged to bring home a book from the school library each week. ​
Reading comprehension is so important in Year 2. Checking your child’s understanding of the book they are reading is an excellent way to support them. You can help them engage with their reading on a deeper level by asking questions about the plot such as:
What might happen next?
Why do you think the character is feeling sad?
What sort of mood is being created?
You can also do this when you are reading to them, which is still important at this age. Children learn a lot from the way we read aloud and we can encourage them to see how the author’s use of punctuation changes the way we read their work. Think about pointing out statements, commands, questions, or exclamations when reading with your child. You might want to use a range of voices to show how types of sentences and punctuation can be read in different ways.
An important part of the Year 2 maths curriculum focuses on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, and they will learn multiplication and division facts for these tables. Parents and carers can help their children to learn their times tables at home and one good way to do this is to use online learning games like Times Tables Rockstars
Other online number games will be added to the class topic pages.
Your child will have their own logins for Times Tables Rockstars. Please contact their class teacher if you need any support.